[호주/호주유학/호주정보]일자리정보와 이력서 샘플
[호주/호주유학/호주정보]일자리정보와 이력서 샘플
- Accounting jobs (18,469)
- Administration jobs (13,617)
- Advert./Media/Entertain. jobs (2,468)
- Banking & Fin. Services jobs (6,408)
- Call Centre/Cust. Service jobs (5,312)
- Community & Sport jobs (1,449)
- Construction jobs (13,264)
- Consulting & Corp. Strategy jobs (744)
- Education & Training jobs (4,614)
- Engineering jobs (17,676)
- Government/Defence jobs (3,572)
- Graduate/Entry Level jobs (2,000+)
- Healthcare & Medical jobs (10,602)
- Hospitality & Tourism jobs (7,889)
- HR & Recruitment jobs (7,121)
- Insurance & Superannuation jobs (2,294)
- I.T. & T jobs (25,824)
- Legal jobs (7,673)
- Manufacturing/Operations jobs (4,731)
- Mining, Oil & Gas jobs (7,802)
- Primary Industry jobs (341)
- Real Estate & Property jobs (2,863)
- Retail & Consumer Prods. jobs (9,003)
- Sales & Marketing jobs (15,446)
- Science & Technology jobs (1,517)
- Self-Employment jobs (427)
- Trades & Services jobs (9,133)
- Transport & Logistics jobs (5,295)
- Volunteer jobs (8,000+)
보시다 시피 많은 잡들이 올라와 있죠^^
원하시는 잡을 클릭을 하시면 됩답니다~~
마지막으로 이력서 샘플입니다^^
Personal history
Full name:
Contact number:
E-mail :
Date of birth:
Title of job:
Education details:
Period |
Name of institution |
Name of course |
Chief experiences:
Period |
Name of workplace |
Title |
Cover letter
Dear Sir / Madam.
This is to express my intention to apply for the position of (지원부서).
I have many genuine and positive reasons for this application.
My loyalty, dedication and enthusiasm to contribute to the support staffs and your expectations of professionalism can be assured.
경력이나 학력위주 자기소개 하세요^^
Please have a look my CV and I hope I have an opportunity to meet you and have an interview.
I look forward to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely, 본인이름
행운을 빕니다. Good Luck^^ |