호주 총 정보 정리/영어학교(어학연수)

ELS Universal English College (UEC)

uhakpen jay 2012. 12. 21. 09:33


ELS Universal English College (UEC)

학교이름  ELS Universal English College (UEC)
도시  Sydney
학교구분  사설어학원
학급당학생수  15명 이내
전화  + 61 2 9283 1088
이메일  enquiries@uec.edu.au
홈페이지  http://www.uec.edu.au/
주소  Level 1, 17 O’Connell Street Sydney, NSW 2000

미국 ELS Language Centers 에서 2011년 캐나다 ELS (밴쿠버, 토론토) 학교 및 호주 GV 시드니 센터를 인수 합병하여 미국 본사의 지원을 받아 더욱더 발전된 시설 및 좋은 프로그램을 학생들에게 제공하고 있습니다
세계적으로 유명한 오페라하우스 , 수많은 해변과 공원들 , 그리고 다양한 문화가 어우러져 있는 아름다운 도시 시드니 중심가에 각각 위치하고 있으며 호주에서 가장 오래된 어학교 중 하나이며 (1988 년 설립), 호주 정부에 의하여 인가된 수준 높은 학교 입니다.

Direct entry pathways to more than 40 Australian further study institutions
Wide range of English language courses for adults and juniors
Great nationality mix with students from all around the world
General English



Academic English



Cambridge Preparation
Business English
IELTS™ Preparation


High School Preparation


Teen Holiday Program




Tuition Fees
Registration Fee - all courses - $240
General English (GE) Full-time Morning Evening
1-2 weeks $390 $280
3-12 weeks $370 $280
13-24 weeks $360 $280
25-36 weeks $350 $280
37 weeks or more $335 $280
General English (GE) Part-time 15 hrs p/week  
Weekly fee (Not available for Student visa holders)  $315

Academic English (AE) Morning Afternoon
AE 1 (4 weeks full-time) $1480  
AE 2 (8 weeks full-time)  $2960 $2640
AE 3 (8 weeks full-time) $2960 $2640
AE 4 (8 weeks full-time) $2960 $2640


Cambridge Preparation (FCE/CAE) Morning
10 weeks full-time $3700
12  weeks full-time $4440
Cambridge Exam Fees - Paper-based
FCE (First Certificate) $270
CAE (Advanced) $270

IELTS Intensive Preparation Morning
4 weeks  $1480
8 weeks  $2960
12 weeks  $4440

Academic Year Programs
Academic Semester - 23 wks $7935
Academic Year - 33 wks $11,055
Extended Academic Year - 46 wks $14,720

High School Preparation (HSP)
1-12 weeks $390
13-24 weeks $380
25-36 weeks $370
37 weeks $360
High School Placement Fee (optional) $660
School Holiday Program
1-4 weeks $390 per week

Junior Holiday English  
 Not available for student visa holders
2 weeks $780
3 weeks $1170
4 weeks $1560
5 weeks $1950
6 weeks $2340

Books and Materials Fees
Payable at time of enrolment on all full-time courses & part-time General English  
1-3 weeks $70
4-8 weeks $95
9-17 weeks $150
18-24 weeks $210
25-32 weeks $270
33-44 weeks $310
45+ weeks $350

Accommodation - Homestay
Accommodation placement fee $250
Accommodation changing fee $100
Homestay - Single (over 18 years old) $266 p/w
Homestay - Single (under 18 years old)         $280 p/w
Homestay - Twin Share (over 18 years old) $238 per student p/w
Homestay - Twin Share (under 18 years old) $252 per student p/w
Homestay - Bed and Breakfast (over 18 years) $217 p/w
Homestay - No meals (over 18 years) $203 p/w
Lodge/ Residence - Cranbury House Bondi
Low season - April to August (price per student)
Economy single room (shared bathroom) $238 p/w
Standard single room (shared bathroom) $266 p/w
Twin share  (shared bathroom) $161 per student p/w
Triple share (shared bathroom) $154 per student p/w
High Season - September to March (price per student)
Economy single room (shared bathroom) $266 p/w
Standard single room (shared bathroom) $294 p/w
Twin share  (shared bathroom) $196 per student p/w
Triple share (shared bathroom) $182 per student p/w

Other fees
Airport Transfer (one way) $135
Internship Fee 4-26 weeks $2200
Work Package Fee $420
Carer Approval Fee $230
Carer Fee $45.50 p/w
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

**OSHC is compulsory health insurance for Student Visa students for the length of the visa.
Click here to see a full list of premiums including dual and family premiums.

Single rates
1 month - $42 2 months - $84 3 months - $127 4 months - $169
5 months - $211 6 months - $253 7 months - $296 8 months - $338
9 months - $380 10 months - $422 11 months - $464 12 months - $507
 13 months - $550 14 months - $593  
*Dual family rate: $106per month  Multi family rate: $247



