Jay의 잡다한 글/스팸메일
[르꼬르동블루]호주 애들레이드 요리제과제빵 디플로마 안내
호주 르꼬르동블루 캠퍼스중 애들레이드지역에 위치한 르꼬르동캠퍼스에서
요리제빵 디플로마과정을 신설하였습니다.
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네이트 sydsun@nate.com
혹은 호주도우미 강남사무실 02-565-7523으로 주저마시고 전화주세요~
Stage 1.1
SITHCCC001B Organise & prepare foodSITHCCC002A Present foodSITHCCC003B Receive & store kitchen suppliesSITHCCC004B Clean & maintain kitchen premisesSITHCCC005A Use basic methods of cookerySITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soupsSITXCOM001A Work with colleagues & customersSITXCOM002A Work in a socially diverse environmentSITXOHS001B Follow health, safety & security proceduresSITXOHS002A Follow workplace hygiene procedures
Stage 1.2
SITHCCC007A Prepare sandwichesSITHCCC006A Prepare appetisers & saladsSITHCCC009A Prepare vegetables, fruit, eggs & farinaceous dishesSITHCCC010A Select, prepare & cook poultrySITXFSA001A Implement food safety proceduresSITXCOM003A Deal with conflict situationsSITXHRM001A Coach others in job skillsSITHIND001B Develop & update hospitality industry knowledgeSITHCCC014A Prepare pastries, cakes & yeast goods
Stage 1.3
SITHCCC011A Select, prepare & cook seafoodSITHCCC026A Establish & maintain quality control of foodSITHCCC013A Prepare hot & cold dessertsSITHCCC012A Select, prepare & cook meatSITHCCC016A Develop cost-effective menusSITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary & cultural needsHLTFA301B Apply first aidSITXFSA002A Develop and implement a food safety programSITHCCC027A Prepare, cook & serve food for food service**Students serve members of the dining public in the campus restaurant.
Stage 2 - Industry Placement
SITHCCC028A Prepare, cook & serve food for menus
Certificate III in Hospitality(Pâtisserie)
Stage 1.2SITHPAT001A Prepare and produce pastriesSITHPAT002A Prepare and produce cakesSITHPAT006A Present dessertsSITXFSA001A Implement food safety proceduresSITXCOM003A Deal with conflict situationsSITXHRM001A Coach others in job skillsSITHIND001B Develop & update hospitality industry knowledgeSITHPAT003A Prepare and produce yeast goodsSITHCCC013A Prepare hot and cold desserts
SITHCCC026A Establish & maintain quality control of foodSITHPAT005A Prepare and present gateaux, torten and cakesSITHPAT008A Prepare and model marzipanSITHPAT004A Prepare bakery products for patisseriesSITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary & cultural needsSITXFSA002A Develop and implement a food safety programTLIE1005A Carry out basic workplace calculationsSITHCCC027A Prepare, cook & serve food for food service
*Students serve members of the dining public in the campus restaurant.
SITHIND003A Provide and coordinate quality customer service
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality
Stage 3 & 4 Specialised Units(Cuisine )
SITHCCC015A Plan and prepare food for buffetsSITHCCC024B Select, prepare and serve specialised cuisinesSITHCCC021B Handle and serve cheeseSITHFAB011A Develop and update food and beverage knowledgeSITHCCC040A Design menus to meet market needs
Stage 3 & 4 Specialised Units(Pâtisserie)
SITHCCC022A Prepare chocolate and chocolate confectionerySITHPAT007A Prepare and display petits foursSITHPAT010A Prepare and display sugar workSITHPAT011A Plan, prepare and display sweet buffet showpiecesSITHPAT012A Plan pâtisserie operations
Stage 3 & 4 General Units (Cuisine & Pâtisserie)SITXCCS002A Provide quality customer serviceSITXMGT004A Develop and implement a business planSITXMPR005A Develop and manage marketing strategiesSITXFIN008A Manage financial operationsSITHCCC025A Monitor catering revenue and costsSITXFIN004A Manage finances within a budgetSITXFIN005A Prepare and monitor budgetsSITXGLC001A Develop and update legal knowledge for businesscomplianceSITXINV001A Receive and store stockSITXINV002A Control and order stockSITXHRM005A Lead and manage peopleSITXFIN007A Manage physical assetsSITXMGT002A Develop and implement operational plansSITXOHS005A Establish and maintain an OHS systemSITXOHS004B Implement and monitor workplace health, safety andsecurity practicesSITXHRM002A Recruit, select and induct staffSITXHRM003A Roster staffSITXMGT006A Establish and conduct business relationshipsSITXHRM007A Manage workplace diversitySITXMGT001A Monitor work operationsSITXCCS003A Manage quality customer serviceSITXHRM006A Monitor staff performanceSITXFIN003A Interpret financial information