NSW주에서 간호사로 등록하기 위해서는 영어 능력을 증명하여야 합니다.
언어는 안전을 위한 아주 중요한 요소이고 본 협회는 공공의 보호를 위해 그 기준을 마련하는 것이 필요한 것으로 봅니다.
NSW에 간호사나 조무사로 등록을 희망하는 모든 이는 관련 영어 시험을 통해서 능력을 증명해야 합니다. 그러나 본 협회가 판단하는 기준에 준하는 영어 실력을 증명하는 이에 한해서 시험을 면제할 수도 있습니다.
◇영어 시험의 종류 및 필요 점수
1. IELTS (아카데믹 모듈, 평균 7: 리스닝, 리딩 6.5 이상, 라이팅, 스피킹 7.0 이상)
2. OET (4가지 항목 Level B 이상)
◇영어 시험이 면제되는 경우
1. NSW HSC 영어 과목 Band 4 이상
2. 호주, 뉴질랜드, 영국, 아일랜드, 미국, 캐나다에서 고등학교를 마치고 아래 명시한 수준 이상의 성적을 받은 경우 (아래 국가별 시험 리스트 참조)
3. NSW에서 Nurse나 Midwife로 등록이 되었던 경우
4. TAFE NSW에서 Enrolled Nurse 과정을 마친 경우 (2007년 9월 이전에 코스를 시작하고 계획된 시간에 졸업한 후 즉시 신청을 한 경우에 한함)
Section 31 of the Nurses and Midwives Act directs that a person is not entitled to be registered or enrolled unless she/he proves to the satisfaction of the Board that she/he has a knowledge of the English language adequate for the practice of nursing or midwifery, as applicable.
Language is an essential component of safe practice and the Board considers that the standard, which it has identified, is necessary for protection of the public.
Any applicant for registration or enrolment may be required to undertake an English language test. However the Board may waive this requirement where it considers that there is other evidence of adequate language skills.
The language test requirements may be satisfied by achieving, within the two year period prior to application, either:
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International English Language Testing System (IELTS) academic modules, a score of: - 7 overall - at least 6.5 on the individual bands of listening and reading, and - at least 7.0 on the individual bands of writing and speaking
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A Pass at "B" level in each of the four components (reading, writing, listening and speaking) of the Occupational English Test (OET) for Nurses.
Although any applicant for registration or enrolment may be required to provide results of an approved English language test, this requirement may be waived in certain instances
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If you completed the NSW Higher School Certificate examination and obtained a grade of Band 4 or higher in English
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If you completed secondary school elsewhere in Australia or in New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, United States or Canada and can show achievement in specified examinations as described below
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If you were previously registered or enrolled as a nurse or midwife in New South Wales
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If you are applying for enrolment on the basis of completion of an enrolled nurse course undertaken through TAFE NSW , commenced before the end of September 2007, completed at the scheduled time and application for enrolment is made shortly after. |
These are subject to change as further information is received about equivalence to New South Wales standards.
New South Wales - Higher School Certificate (HSC) English Standard - Bands 4, 5 or 6 English Advanced - Bands 4, 5 or 6 English Extension - Bands 4, 5 or 6 prior to 2001: Contemporary English (2U) - 50 or above English (General) (2U) - 50 or above English (2U) - 50 or above English (3U) - 25 or above Comparative Literature (2U) - 50 or above E.S.L. - 50 or above (Band 4 or above)
Australian Capital Territory (ACT Yr 12 Certificate) Must be 'T' courses taken as a Major, Major/Minor or a Double Major English - Scaled mark 130 or above ESL - Scaled mark 130 or above
Northern Territory (NTCE) English Studies (PES) - 11 or above English Communications (PAS) - 11 or above ESL (PES ) - 11 or above
Queensland (QCE) English (Must be Board or QSA subjects) - VHA (Very High Achievement), HA (High Achievement) or SA (Sound Achievement) ESL - No equivalent
South Australia (SACE) English Studies (PES) - 11 or above English Communications (PAS) - 11 or above ESL (PES ) - 11 or above
Tasmania (TCE) English / English Communication - SA or above English Literature / English Studies - SA or above Writer's Workshop / English Writing - SA or above World Literature - SA or above ESL Stage 4 - SA or above Acceptable grades are: EA (Exceptional Achievement), HA (High Achievement), CA (Commendable Achievement) or SA (Satisfactory Achievement)
Victoria (VCE) English - 25 or above English Language - 25 or above Literature - 25 or above E.S.L. - 25 or above
Western Australia Old TEE: English/English Literature - Scaled mark of 50 or above New WACE: English, Literature (formerly Texts, Traditions & Culture) or English as a Second Language/Dialect - Scaled mark of 50 or above
New Zealand New National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA): Level 2: 8 credit points with at least 'Achievement with Merit' in at least 4 of reading and writing Achievement Standards, of which 3 must be externally assessed, excluding AS90379 and AS90374 or Old Bursary Examination: English - Minimum score 50
United Kingdom GCE A-level Minimum grade E in English Language, English Literature or English Language and Literature. Examination results must be endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR), Edexcel or Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA ). Independent and school-assessed A-levels are not sufficient. or GCE AS-level (General Paper) Minimum grade C awarded by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)
Ireland Leaving Certificate: English at D3 or higher
Canada: Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, North West Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut & Prince Edward Island: General High School Diploma / High School Graduation Diploma / High School Graduation Certificate / Higher School Completion Certificate with at least 60% in English.
Canada - British Columbia Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with at least C+ in English
Canada - ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) including: 2003 and after: English at least 60% 2002 and before: English with credit.
Canada - Saskatchewan Division IV or Grade 12 standing with at least 65% in English.
Canada - Quebec equivalent not identified
Canada - Yukon High School Graduation Diploma or Certificate with at least B in English
United States of America 2005 and after: High School Graduation Diploma (Year 12) plus scores above the 60th percentile in SAT (average of the Critical Reading and Writing National percentiles) or scores of 21.6 or higher in the ACT English and reading together with 7.2 or higher on the writing test
2004 and before: High School Graduation Diploma (Year 12) plus scores above the 60th percentile in SAT Verbal or scores of 21.6 or higher in the ACT English and reading tests
International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) (see www.ibo.org) Accepted only if taken after completion of secondary level studies in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, United Kingdom, Canada or United States English A1 at HL or SL - Minimum score 4 English A2 at HL or SL - Minimum score 4 _____________________________________________