호주 총 정보 정리/영어학교(어학연수)

[스크랩] [호주도우미]희소식!! 학생비자 레벨등급(VET)2등급으로 상향조정!!

uhakpen jay 2007. 9. 10. 11:00

안녕하세요 호주도우미 지니우스입니다.


우선 어제 아침에 한국의 학생비자 레벨등급이 변경되었다는 소식을 듣고, 바로 우리 가족들에게 전하려고 했으나, 더 정확한 정보로 확실한 정보를 드리기 위해 직접 알아본바,

The Assistant Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Teresa Gambaro 께서 5월 14일부터 해외 학생들의 호주 학생비자 등급을 변경할 것이라는 아웃라인을 발표했는데, 이 내용에 따르면 한국 학생들의 비자심사 등급이 아래와 같이 변경 될 것이라 합니다.


VET 572 (전문대학: Certificate 나 Diploma) 등급: 기존 3 등급(IELTS 필요/PVA 심사/3개월통장거래내역) 에서 >>>>> 2 등급(IELTS 필요없음/PVA 없음/현재 잔고만 필요)


VET 571 (초/중/고교) 등급: 기존 2 등급(현재 잔고증명 필요) 에서 >> 1등급(잔고증명필요없음)


그동안 VET 즉 전문대학과정(572 카테고리) 을 신청하는 학생들이 2등급 비자적용을 위해 가지 않아도 될 대학교과정을 묶거나 혹은 3 등급을 비자를 진행하기위해서 IELTS 시험을 보고 잔고를 3 개월간 유지하는 등 어려운 점들이 많았습니다. 그러나 이제부터 한국유학생(572 전문대학과정)이 2 등급으로 심사등급이 상향조정되어 IELTS 나 3 개월간의 잔고를 요구하지 않게 되었습니다.


오전 일찍 이 사항을 접하였으나, 확인 절차없이 무작정 우리가족들에게 글을 드릴 수 없어서 이렇게 확인을 거친 후에 알려드리게 되었습니다.


이번 변경사항으로 지금까지 조건들때문에 고민하셨던 많은 분들의 짐이 조금이라도 덜어지길 바랍니다.


기사원본 첨부해드립니다.

Student Visa Assessment Level Changes - May 2007
Visa Subclass
Country of Passport ELICOS Schools VET Higher Education PGR Non-Award
  570 571 572 573 574 575
  Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed  Current Proposed  Current
Argentina                         1 2   1 2
Bangladesh 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3  
Botswana                         1 2      
Brazil 1 2 1 2 1 2
Cyprus                   1 2            
Czech Republic 1 2  
Hong Kong 1 2   1 2                        
India 2 3  
Indonesia 2 3         2 3               2 3
Kenya 2 3  
Lebanon       3 4               3 4      
Lao 3 4  
Macau 1 2   1 2         1 2            
Maldives 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3  
Mauritius 1 2               1 2            
Mexico 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Pakistan       3 4               2 3      
Philippines 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
Republic of Korea       1(변경후) 2(현재)   2(변경후) 3 (현재)                  
Russian Federation 2 3  
South Africa       1 2               1 2   1 2
Taiwan 1 2  
Venezuela       1 2               1 2      
Vietnam 3 4 2 3 1 2 3 4
Zambia       2 3               2 3      
Zimbabwe       2 3                        
Countries 'on notice'                                  
Egypt on notice 2 on notice 2 on notice 2 on notice 2  
Peru             on notice 2                  


English Australia Information Update

3 May 2007

IMPORT!ANT NEWS - Changes in Student Visa Assessment Levels

The Assistant Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Teresa Gambaro has put out a media release outlining changes in the Student Visa Assessment Levels for a number of countries.

The changes are all positive ones except for one country (Bangladesh) and will be implemented from 14 May 2007. More information can be found in the Media Release and the Spreadsheet listing the changes.

These changes will assist the international education industry to work towards greater diversity of nationality within the student body.

Member colleges should note that two countries (Egypt across four sectors and Peru for VET) have demonstrated compliance issues. Rather than give these countries a more stringent assessment level, DIAC has decided to put these countries “on notice”. If their performance does not improve, DIAC may consider changes to their assessment level in the future. Member colleges should advise their agents in these countries and monitor carefully the students they are recruiting from these countries. EA appreciates this approach by DIAC to countries of concern.

English Australia has devoted a large proportion of its lobbying efforts in the last 18 months to ensuring that the methodology used to determine the risk assessment levels is appropriate and is applied in a way that fairly assesses risk. EA is pleased to see that its efforts have contributed to the outcomes that are reported today.

Key ELICOS markets (both stand-alone ELICOS and packaged ELICOS) that are affected by the changes are Vietnam, Indonesia and Korea.

Key changes are as follows:

Independent ELICOS changes from AL4 to AL3

Countries affected: Vietnam, Lao

Implications: An IELTS score is no longer required.

Independent ELICOS changes from AL3 to AL2

Countries affected: Indonesia

Implications: No IELTS implications as IELTS was not previously required, however no maximum limit set on length of study (was previously limited to 50 weeks) and easing of other requirements.

Independent ELICOS changes from AL2 to AL1

Countries affected: Hong Kong, Macau, Mauritius, Mexico

Implications: No IELTS implications as IELTS was not previously required, however online visa application is now available making the visa process easier and more accessible.

Schools changes from AL4 to AL3

Countries affected: Lebanon, Pakistan

Implications: An IELTS score is no longer required, either for direct entry to Schools programs or to packaged ELICOS.

Schools changes from AL3 to AL2

Countries affected: India, Kenya, Maldives, Philippines, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Implications: No IELTS implications as IELTS was not previously required, however no maximum limit set on length of study (was previously limited to 40 weeks) and easing of other requirements.

Schools changes from AL2 to AL1

Countries affected: Brazil, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Macau, Mexico, Korea, South Africa, Taiwan, Venezuela

Implications: No IELTS implications as IELTS was not previously required, however online visa application is now available making the visa process easier and more accessible.

VET changes from AL3 to AL2

Countries affected: Indonesia, Maldives, Korea

Implications: An IELTS score is no longer required, either for direct entry to VET programs or to packaged ELICOS.

Higher Ed changes from AL3 to AL2

Countries affected: Maldives, Philippines, Vietnam

Implications: An IELTS score is no longer required, either for direct entry to Higher Ed programs or to packaged ELICOS.

Higher Ed changes from AL2 to AL1

Countries affected: Cyprus, Macau, Mauritius, Mexico

Implications: No IELTS implications as IELTS was not previously required, however online visa application is now available making the visa process easier and more accessible.

PGR changes from AL3 to AL2

Countries affected: Maldives, Pakistan, Philippines, Russian Federation, Zambia

Implications: An IELTS score is no longer required, either for direct entry to PGR programs or to packaged ELICOS.

PGR changes from AL2 to AL1

Countries affected: Argentina, Botswana, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Venezuela, Vietnam

Implications: No IELTS implications as IELTS was not previously required, however online visa application is now available making the visa process easier and more accessible.

Non Award changes from AL4 to AL3

Countries affected: Vietnam

Implications: The IELTS requirement has been lowered from 5.0 for packaged ELICOS to 4.5 for packaged ELICOS and the maximum length of study increased from 20 weeks to 30 weeks.

Non Award changes from AL3 to AL2

Countries affected: Indonesia, Philippines

Implications: An IELTS score is no longer required, either for direct entry to Non Award programs or to packaged ELICOS.

Non Award changes from AL2 to AL1

Countries affected: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa

Implications: No IELTS implications as IELTS was not previously required, however online visa application is now available making the visa process easier and more accessible.

If members have any questions regarding the changes, they should contact the EA Secretariat.


Sue Blundell
Executive Director

English Australia

T: 61 2 9264 4700
F: 61 2 9264 4313
I: www.englishaustralia.com.au

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English Australia Pty Ltd acting for and on behalf of ELICOS Association Ltd


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